Menstruation is optional

As a young woman growing up in the 80s, I read that our monthly menses connected us to our ancestors and the earth. Embracing womanhood meant reveling in the monthly flow. As a science undergraduate student in the 90s, I realized that our ancient ancestors were either pregnant or lactating through most of their lives and wouldn’t have had periods anyway.

Today, women have about 400 periods over their lifetimes, spending a total of 7 years “on the rag” before menopause kicks in. 1 in 4 women say that having periods decreases their quality of life. 5% of women develop iron-deficiency anemia from heavy menses. Pain with menstruation is the most common cause of lost work and school hours among American women. The economic cost of menstrual bleeding complaints in the US is estimated at $12 billion annually. 

Many people believe that monthly flow is important to “clean out toxins”, however, this is incorrect. The kidneys and liver remove toxins, not menstrual flow otherwise people without uteruses would be poisoned. Studies have found that most people find the idea of not menstruating unhealthy and worrisome. This is likely why the “pill-free interval” in oral contraceptive packs has persisted for so long, despite evidence that the pill-free week increases the risk of pregnancy and has no medical benefit. 

We can stop menstruation in safe ways by using progesterone, sometimes adding a low dose of estrogen to decrease side effects. Taking the Oral Contraceptive Pill for at least 4 years may cut your endometrial cancer risk in half for 10 years after you stop taking the pill. The OCP also decreases your risk of ovarian cancer by 50% for up to 25 years. 

Progesterone-only methods of menstrual suppression like Depo-provera, the Mirena IUD, or the Progesterone-only Pill offer the benefit of stopping menstruation although spotting is common with these methods. They don’t stop ovulation so they offer less control of systemic symptoms like PMS. 

All hormonal menstrual suppression methods are associated with a slight temporary increase in breast cancer risk, about the same risk as having a glass of wine with dinner.

Going through life menstruating every month is highly unnatural, terribly uncomfortable, and inconvenient. Agony is optional and menstrual suppression is a safe easy option for most menstruating people. Talk to your doctor if that sounds appealing.




A vaccine, but for cancer